Do you need an IT staffing solution but not the budget to have a true in-house staff? AIC is the correct "fix" to your problems.

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Why AIC?

AI Consulting is the best IT Consulting and Managed Service Provider in Arkansas. Because we strive to be the best at what we do, AI Consulting of Little Rock is the fastest growing IT consulting and management business in Arkansas.

Areas of Expertise

We offer years of experience in Managed Services, Backup & Disastery Recovery, Regulatory Compliance, Email Exchange, Strategic Consultation & IT Security.

Solving Your Problems

Like the vast majority of our customers, IT is probably not your core business. Trying to solve all of your IT challenges internally can become a major distraction, and other aspects of your business can suffer. More often than not these challenges end up costing way in excess of your initial expectations.

If you need help with a special project involving your IT assets and/or consulting, we're eager to assist you. We are an expert, affordable IT consulting firm providing advisory and managerial services that will meet any of your short, or long-term IT objectives.

The Right Solution

Delivering successful IT transformation with tangible business value

We know that your success depends on more than just the right technology ... it requires an experienced IT organization that is built on time-tested best practices and aligned to your business priorities. AIC's IT consulting services team, made up of experienced IT consultants and trainers, uses proven methodologies to help you optimize costs, reduce risk, and see a faster return on your IT investments.